The Toronto Official Plan encourages the inclusion of public art in all significant private sector developments across the City. City Planning works with the private sector to secure public art contributions through development review, Official Plan amendments and rezonings.

The governing principle for the Percent for Public Art Program is that art is a public benefit to be enjoyed and experienced by residents and visitors throughout the city. The privately-owned art is intended to make buildings and open spaces more attractive and interesting and to improve the quality of the public realm. The Program requires that the artwork must be clearly visible at all times from publicly accessible areas. Alternatively, City Planning may seek public art contributions to be directed to City-owned public lands. An overview of the Program can be found in the Percent for Public Art Program brochure . To explore some of Toronto’s public art on your own, use the Public Art Map.

The Percent for Public Art Program seeks new members for the Toronto Public Art Commission (TPAC) a City of Toronto arts advisory body and peer review group.
The deadline for applications has been extended to Friday, February 26, 2021. For more information including application requirements please view the Call for New Members , also available in the mobile friendly format
TPAC works collaboratively with City’s Urban Design and Community Planning staff to provide recommendations and assist in the review of public art projects, activities and policies. TPAC also provides feedback about public art plans from private developers as part of the Percent for Public Art Program. Projects include large-scale development, district public art plans, secondary plans, master plans, multi-phased or individual developments, as well as contributions for private property and/or off-site locations. TPAC does not select the final artwork and are not members of a selection jury.
All applicants must either reside or work in Toronto. Previous experience in the arts is required. If you are one or more of the following, you may want to consider applying: Artists, Art Educators, Urban Designers, Architects, Landscape Architects, Public Institution Representatives, Art Historians, Art Critics, Cultural Planners, Developers, lawyers and other representatives from the corporate community, and individuals who have experience in public art, Indigenous designers, artists, historians and traditional knowledge keepers.
If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact us and we will lead you through the process step by step